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The Case for Grace: Q&A with Lee Strobel

Written by Ann Byle on . Posted in Local

Strobel225Lee Strobel is the author of bestsellers The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, The Case for a Creator, and the upcoming book The Case for Grace: A Journalist Explores the Evidence of Transformed Lives (Zondervan, Feb.). He answers questions about the book and his life.

Q) Why did you decide to write The Case for Grace now?

A) I think this book is a natural progression from the other books. They set forth the evidence for Christianity and God, but this book adds the experiential component. If Christianity is true, you would expect that God would transform lives.

Q) And you found stories of transformed lives?

A) I’ve become addicted to stories of people whose lives have been turned upside down and revolutionized by God. I’m always searching for those stories. When Jesus was asked about topics such as grace, he didn’t give a theological treatise. He told stories. Stories can give a perspective on grace that mere propositional statements can’t.

Q) You offer stories from a former drug addict turned pastor, a Khmer Rouge killer who asked for forgiveness, a former homeless man who now helps the homeless. Why did you choose these stories?

A) Each story shines light on a different aspect of grace. They answer questions such as, Are some sins beyond forgiveness? Can we give grace to ourselves? Can Christians pass on grace? How are we adopted by God? Each one illustrates the compelling ability of God to change lives.

Q) How did you come to write this particular book?

Case for GraceA) About three years ago I had a health crisis during which I experienced severe mental confusion and was convinced everyone, including God, had abandoned me. My son reached out to me and led me in a profound prayer in which I stripped away all facades and came into the presence of God only as his adopted son. I reconnected with God in a way that was revolutionary. I become more passionate about telling the world about Jesus and more sensitive to those who are ostracized.

Q) What are you working on now?

A) Right now I’m doing an update for The Case for Christ, which came out in 1998. I am freshening it up, adding new references, and including an interview I did about the book. I’m also traveling a lot in 2015, and moving to Texas where I teach at Houston Baptist University and at Woodlands Church in the Houston area.

Q) Any more Case for . . . books?

A) In the next three or four years I want to complete the Case for . . . series with two more titles.

Author Information
Ann Byle
Ann Byle is a freelance writer and owner of AB Writing Services. She writes for a number of publications including WMCN, Publishers Weekly, CBA Christian Market and Grand Rapids Magazine, and is author or coauthor of several books including The Baker Book House Story, The Call to Care: A Compassionate Response to Caring for Vulnerable Children (2018) and Christian Publishing 101 (2018). She and her husband Ray, a science teacher, have four young adult children.

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