Women of Influence: Beth Fisher

Calling: Helping those who are undervalued, underserved, and under-resourced
Beth Fisher worked for 25 years in corporate sales, helping organizations automate their business processes. She loved it, but always felt a little pull elsewhere. Part of that pull pushed her to write her first book, "Remorseless: Learning to Lose Labels, Expectations, and Assumptions Without Losing Yourself," which came out in March 2020.
She had taken a 9-month sabbatical to write the book—at her daughter's suggestion—and had every intention of going back to her high-powered, high-paying job. During that sabbatical, she attended a leadership conference where she ran into a few Mel Trotter Ministries staff members. She knew them because she volunteered at Mel Trotter Ministries (MTM) every Tuesday to lead a devotion as part of the spiritual life formation group.
"I wasn't looking for another job, but when they asked me about this role, my stomach dropped. I just said yes," said Fisher, who began working for MTM in January 2020. "The mission statement of MTM is, 'to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ to anyone experiencing hunger and homelessness.' Because I feel so strongly about all people mattering and having worth and love in God's eyes, the mission statement resonates deeply with me."
She laughs to think about starting a new job and releasing a book just as the COVID-19 pandemic began.
The message of "Remorseless," and the definition of the word, is to live life without guilt in spite of wrongdoing. "I wanted to say to readers that we all have done wrong, but your life is of equal worth as anyone else's so go live it. God doesn't care what we've done; he loves us exactly the same and is working behind the scenes to put us back together," she said.
Fisher has two master's degrees in theology: an M.Min (Master of Ministry) and MATS (Master of Arts in Theological Studies) and she occasionally preaches. Yet her biggest leap of faith is her work at Mel Trotter Ministries.
"I've been pushed out of my comfort zone in terms of leadership and in terms of working with a team. I have to let God show me what to do," said Fisher. "I no longer run the room. Now I listen to God and it's the hardest thing on the planet. He's really shaping me."
She describes a chance meeting with a woman she'd never seen before standing in line at Mel Trotter Ministries. "She looked me right in the eye and said, 'Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for your help. I don't know where I would be without [Mel Trotter],'" said Fisher. "When I feel like the job is heavy, I spend time with guests and remember why I'm here."
Fisher's book "Remorseless," the accompanying workbook, and a link to her podcast is available at www.bethfisher.com. Her Remorselessly Biblical syndicated show airs on Life Network for Women at https://watch.lifenetworkforwomen.tv/beth-fisher.
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