Total: 50 results found.
Is Religion Enough?
(Media / Is Religion Enough?)
Most religions have a list of things that people are supposed to do and how people are supposed to act in order to please God. But, is this really what it is all about? Is this what God really wants from ...
How Can We Know that Christ is Coming Back?
(Media / How Can We Know that Christ is Coming Back? )
When Jesus ascended into heaven He promised He would return, but that was almost 2,000 years ago and nothing has happened. How can we, today, know that Christ really is going to return? Read: Matthew ...
Discovering Happiness
(Media / Discovering Happiness)
Why is it that in a country with so many material blessings, so many people are unhappy? Do we really understand what happiness is? Are we looking for happiness in all the wrong places? If so, how do we ...
Counterfeit Love?
(Media / Counterfeit Love?)
We live in a world filled with counterfeits and it is often hard to determine what is real and what is counterfeit. Love can be the same way. Counterfeit love can easily be mistaken for the real thing. ...
How Does Evil Work?
(Media / How Does Evil Work?)
With all of the images of evil we see on TV and on the internet today, we have almost become numb to the reality of it. In fact, it has become a seduction that many people have been drawn into. Seduction ...
Are Selfies Really Something New?
(Media / Are Selfies Really Something New?)
A person can’t go far these days without being exposed to either someone taking a selfie or seeing someone’s selfie posted on a social media page. While the idea of taking a picture of yourself in nearly ...
Mooning for Jesus
(Media / Mooning for Jesus)
What do you think of when you think of the moon? Romance? Space exploration? God’s love? God’s love is probably not the first thing you think of when thinking about the moon, but this edition of the Carlson ...
Are you good enough to go to Heaven?
(Media / Are you good enough to go to Heaven?)
This is "MIM TCR 027 V1" by Missions In Media Inc on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham
(Media / What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham)
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" Mathew 24:14.GOD LOVES YOU.JESUS STANDS AT THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART, KNOCKING.IF ...
The Robertsons of Duck Dynasty Talk About How Their Faith in Jesus Turned Around Their Lives!!
(Media / The Robertsons of Duck Dynasty Talk About How Their Faith in Jesus Turned Around Their Lives!! )
Phil and Kay Robertson of the hit A&E television program Duck Dynasty, share how their faith in Jesus has been integral to their success! Here's the link to the A&E "Episodes" website for Duck Dynasty. ...
Sandy Rios discusses several issues affecting the pro-family movement in 2014.
(Media / Sandy Rios discusses several issues affecting the pro-family movement in 2014. )
Answering Your Toughest Questions
(Media / Answering Your Toughest Questions)
Dr. Michael Brown, World's Foremost Messianic Jewish Apologist, Premiers Television Show. Visit to learn more. 'Answering Your Toughest Questions' Tackles Issues Pondered by Believers ...
Kirk Cameron Talks with Gang Members
(Media / Kirk Cameron Talks with Gang Members)
Watch this on-the-street witness encounter and watch the use of God's Law (Ten Commandments) get put into practice as Kirk witnesses to gang members at Santa Monica, Southern California.
A Response to the New Atheists - Ravi Zacharias
(Media / A Response to the New Atheists - Ravi Zacharias)
Watermark Community Church (2012) - Speaker: Ravi Zacharias. Buy Zacharias' book The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists:
Dr. David Berlinski: The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions
(Media / Dr. David Berlinski: The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions)
Eric Metaxas and Socrates in the City present an evening with Dr. David Berlinski at the Union League Club in New York City on June 12, 2012.
Everything You Wanted To Know About God -- Eric Metaxas -- 1/3
(Media / Everything You Wanted To Know About God -- Eric Metaxas -- 1/3)
Jim Cantelon speaks with Eric Metaxas about the questions many people want answered about God but are to afraid to ask. Eric Metaxas Best-Selling Author, Writer & Editor Founder and Host of Socrates ...
What to do when Christians do wrong?
(Media / What to do when Christians do wrong?)
Pastor George Davis discusses confronting wrong among fellow believers.
The Bible and Science
(Media / The Bible and Science )
Pastor George Davis discusses the role of the Bible and science
Do you have problems sharing your faith?
(Media / Do you have problems sharing your faith? )
This judge says all a witness does is tell what they know -- what has Jesus done for you? Putting the emphasis on telling the truth can motivate us to share with others. ...
Raising up One Cry
(Media / Raising up One Cry)
An introduction to One Cry, calling people everywhere to repent
Gimme prayer? Or sweet prayer?
(Media / Gimme prayer? Or sweet prayer? )
Prayer isn't what do I want, but what does God want? The more we pray, the more we will want that too. ...
Taking Responsibility: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Taking Responsibility: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
... fifteen videos. After the war, Diet was asked to speak all around Germany. She continues the conversation talking about how the German people took responsibility for what was done, and tells about the ...
Saved by a Raincoat: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Saved by a Raincoat: A Conversation with Diet Eman )
Diet reminds young people today that God is faithful and tells how while in prison, she scratched the words "Lo, I am with you always" on her prison cell wall. She also tells the amazing story of how ...
"I loved Psalm 27": A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / "I loved Psalm 27": A Conversation with Diet Eman )
Diet Eman tells how precious the Psalms and the life of David were to her during the two years she was on the run as a worker in the Dutch resistance during World War II.
Angry with God: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Angry with God: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet tells the story of a family with seven children who hid American soldiers during World War II, and the consequences they suffered for doing this. One of...
A Modern Day Rahab: A Conversation with Diet
(Media / A Modern Day Rahab: A Conversation with Diet)
Diet talks about the ethical dilemmas she faced in her work with the Dutch Resistance during World War II. One of a series of 15 videos.
The "Crime" of Being Jewish: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / The "Crime" of Being Jewish: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet Eman, a member of the Dutch Christian Resistance during World War II, talks about the rise of Hitler and the occupation of Holland. She shares the story of Herman, a Jewish friend and co-worker, whose ...
Surprised by Evil: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Surprised by Evil: A Conversation with Diet Eman )
... Diet shares how the people in her country could have known what was to happen by reading the book Hitler wrote, Mein Kampf. But because most people did not read the book, they were surprised and unprepared ...
Still Being Used by God: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Still Being Used by God: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
At the age of 16 Diet Eman asked the Lord that her life would not be dull and He certainly answered that prayer. Diet celebrated her 93rd birthday in April of 2013 and still feels honored to be serving ...
The Righteous Among the Nations Award: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / The Righteous Among the Nations Award: A Conversation with Diet Eman )
Diet talks about receiving the "Righteous Among the Nations Award", an award given to Gentiles who have risked their lives for the Jewish people. One of a series of 15 videos.
Expecting Arrest Every Day: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Expecting Arrest Every Day: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet tells about her role in the Dutch resistance group she was a part of, and the thousands of miles she walked delivering mail and ration cards to the Jewish people they were hiding. She shares how the ...
"We will never be sorry for what we did": A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / "We will never be sorry for what we did": A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet tells how she heard about the death of her beloved fiancé, Hein and shares what was on the last note that he sent her. One of a series of fifteen videos. ...
"God Bless our Robbery": A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / "God Bless our Robbery": A Conversation with Diet Eman )
How do you feed hundred's of people in country where food is rationed? Diet Eman, a leader in the Dutch resistance during World War II, tells how it became necessary to rob the government offices for ration ...
Rescue Mission: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Rescue Mission: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
The safest place to hide the Jewish people in Holland during World War II was in the countryside. Diet tells how she and her fiancé Hein found farmers willing to hide Jews in their homes. She also talks ...
"They had calluses on their knees": A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / "They had calluses on their knees": A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet starts out this conversation by recounting how she and her fiancé Hein began hiding Jews in the Netherlands during World War II because of a letter Herman, her Jewish friend and co-worker, received ...
How do I overcome rejection?
(Media / How do I overcome rejection?)
Handling rejection -- and the fear of rejection -- is a big step towards maturity. If God is with you, who can be against you.
The Bible is Confusing - What do I do?
(Media / The Bible is Confusing - What do I do?)
Leave confusion and find assurance in your study of the Bible.
Is the Bible Relevant Today?
(Media / Is the Bible Relevant Today?)
Are things different today? Or are we asking the same question Adam and Eve asked so long ago- "Who can we trust?" Genesis Chapter 3: Is God's word true?
What is the most important book of the Bible?
(Media / What is the most important book of the Bible?)
While every verse of the Bible is important, one book stands out as key in giving us God's plan for all the world. Is there one book that is more important than others?
Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?
(Media / Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?)
When God doesn't answer my prayer, does it mean He does not love me? Surprisingly, the reverse is true. God's gift is unanswered prayer. If he would give us everything we wan, how would we respond - ...
Do we need people anymore?
(Media / Do we need people anymore?)
Modern technology tends to isolate us, but God's plan includes community and discipling or mentoring. We need people. The New Testament is about mentoring - not about texting and FaceBook.
What is so bad about Porn?
(Media / What is so bad about Porn?)
Pornography messes up a far deeper relationship as well as marriage and society. What is pornography about? Isn't sex about physical pleasure? No - it is about a covenant. Pornography attacks the covenant. ...
How do I study the Bible?
(Media / How do I study the Bible?)
Many just taste the Bible's goodness. This is a call to go deeper into its riches. Don't read the Bible JUST devotionally, but to study to understand for enlightenment.
What is Jesus Waiting For?
(Media / What is Jesus Waiting For?)
Why doesn't Jesus come back to fix all the world's problems? There is a plan and a purpose for the delay. The entire world is not just centered in the U.S. Some parts of the world have not heard the ...
Why Care About the Middle East?
(Media / Why Care About the Middle East?)
Pastor Jeff Carlson gives us an understanding of WHY the Middle East is important and why we should pay attention to things happening there. Think about it. God likes circles. It started in the Middle ...
Responsible Citizenship
(Media / Responsible Citizenship)
Our dual citizenship means we have responsibilities here on earth towards our government. Seek the peace and prospertity of the city I have placed you. BE INFORMED - VOTE - AND - PRAY - KEEP PRAYING ...
A Judge's Insight
(Media / A Judge's Insight)
What insights does being a Christian give a juvenile court judge? "God give me wisdom and compassion because we are all sinners." ...
Giving to Caesar
(Media / Giving to Caesar)
Whatever the state of our government, we as Christians are responsible to pray for our country's peace and prosperity. Apathy is not a Christian mandate - get involved. ...
What is the difference between Pro-Life Or Pro-Child?
(Media / What is the difference between Pro-Life Or Pro-Child?)
What needs to change is not the number of abortion clinics but the attitude of people's hearts towards children. A woman doesn't have an abortion to kill a baby; they do it because they belived their ...
What is the Secret of America's Success?
(Media / What is the Secret of America's Success?)
The secret of America's success is that we were a "moral and religious people," as John Adams said. Do our rights come from the Government?