Total: 50 results found.
Is Religion Enough?
(Media / Is Religion Enough?)
Most religions have a list of things that people are supposed to do and how people are supposed to act in order to please God. But, is this really what it is all about? Is this what God really wants from ...
How Can We Know that Christ is Coming Back?
(Media / How Can We Know that Christ is Coming Back? )
When Jesus ascended into heaven He promised He would return, but that was almost 2,000 years ago and nothing has happened. How can we, today, know that Christ really is going to return? Read: Matthew ...
Mooning for Jesus
(Media / Mooning for Jesus)
What do you think of when you think of the moon? Romance? Space exploration? God’s love? God’s love is probably not the first thing you think of when thinking about the moon, but this edition of the Carlson ...
He Is
(Media / He Is)
Godmercials: He is! How does God make Himself known? Sometimes it’s through our occupation!
What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham
(Media / What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham)
Answering Your Toughest Questions
(Media / Answering Your Toughest Questions)
... when he left the world plagued by chaos and war for over 2,000 years since he came?" and "How can we worship the God of the Old Testament who appears to be a genocidal egomaniac?" ...
Kirk Cameron Talks with Gang Members
(Media / Kirk Cameron Talks with Gang Members)
Watch this on-the-street witness encounter and watch the use of God's Law (Ten Commandments) get put into practice as Kirk witnesses to gang members at Santa Monica, Southern California.
When God Said Go You need to Go - Joyce Meyer
(Media / When God Said Go You need to Go - Joyce Meyer)
Joyce Meyer When God Said Go You need to Go ...
Everything You Wanted To Know About God -- Eric Metaxas -- 1/3
(Media / Everything You Wanted To Know About God -- Eric Metaxas -- 1/3)
Jim Cantelon speaks with Eric Metaxas about the questions many people want answered about God but are to afraid to ask. Eric Metaxas Best-Selling Author, Writer & Editor Founder and Host of Socrates ...
What to do when Christians do wrong?
(Media / What to do when Christians do wrong?)
Pastor George Davis discusses confronting wrong among fellow believers.
Gimme prayer? Or sweet prayer?
(Media / Gimme prayer? Or sweet prayer? )
Prayer isn't what do I want, but what does God want? The more we pray, the more we will want that too.
Saved by a Raincoat: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Saved by a Raincoat: A Conversation with Diet Eman )
Diet reminds young people today that God is faithful and tells how while in prison, she scratched the words "Lo, I am with you always" on her prison cell wall. She also tells the amazing story of how ...
Angry with God: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Angry with God: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet tells the story of a family with seven children who hid American soldiers during World War II, and the consequences they suffered for doing this. One of...
Surprised by Evil: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Surprised by Evil: A Conversation with Diet Eman )
... for what happened. How do you obey the biblical command to obey authorities when an evil government takes over your country? Diet tells how she determined who the rightful government was and shares about ...
Still Being Used by God: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Still Being Used by God: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
At the age of 16 Diet Eman asked the Lord that her life would not be dull and He certainly answered that prayer. Diet celebrated her 93rd birthday in April of 2013 and still feels honored to be serving ...
"It Starts Small and Gets Big": A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / "It Starts Small and Gets Big": A Conversation with Diet Eman)
Diet shares her thoughts and insights on America today, and asks how we can expect blessings from God when we are moving away from Him. One of a series of 15 videos. ...
Expecting Arrest Every Day: A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / Expecting Arrest Every Day: A Conversation with Diet Eman)
... group faced death every day and how after 2 years on the run, it was almost a relief to her when she was arrested. One of a series of 15 videos. ...
"God Bless our Robbery": A Conversation with Diet Eman
(Media / "God Bless our Robbery": A Conversation with Diet Eman )
How do you feed hundred's of people in country where food is rationed? Diet Eman, a leader in the Dutch resistance during World War II, tells how it became necessary to rob the government offices for ration ...
How do I overcome rejection?
(Media / How do I overcome rejection?)
Handling rejection -- and the fear of rejection -- is a big step towards maturity. If God is with you, who can be against you.
The Bible is Confusing - What do I do?
(Media / The Bible is Confusing - What do I do?)
Leave confusion and find assurance in your study of the Bible.
Is the Bible Relevant Today?
(Media / Is the Bible Relevant Today?)
Are things different today? Or are we asking the same question Adam and Eve asked so long ago- "Who can we trust?" Genesis Chapter 3: Is God's word true?
What is the most important book of the Bible?
(Media / What is the most important book of the Bible?)
While every verse of the Bible is important, one book stands out as key in giving us God's plan for all the world. Is there one book that is more important than others?
Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?
(Media / Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?)
When God doesn't answer my prayer, does it mean He does not love me? Surprisingly, the reverse is true. God's gift is unanswered prayer. If he would give us everything we wan, how would we respond - ...
Do we need people anymore?
(Media / Do we need people anymore?)
Modern technology tends to isolate us, but God's plan includes community and discipling or mentoring. We need people. The New Testament is about mentoring - not about texting and FaceBook.
Why Care About the Middle East?
(Media / Why Care About the Middle East?)
Pastor Jeff Carlson gives us an understanding of WHY the Middle East is important and why we should pay attention to things happening there. Think about it. God likes circles. It started in the Middle ...
Responsible Citizenship
(Media / Responsible Citizenship)
Our dual citizenship means we have responsibilities here on earth towards our government. Seek the peace and prospertity of the city I have placed you. BE INFORMED - VOTE - AND - PRAY - KEEP PRAYING ...
A Judge's Insight
(Media / A Judge's Insight)
What insights does being a Christian give a juvenile court judge? "God give me wisdom and compassion because we are all sinners."
Giving to Caesar
(Media / Giving to Caesar)
Whatever the state of our government, we as Christians are responsible to pray for our country's peace and prosperity. Apathy is not a Christian mandate - get involved.
What is the Secret of America's Success?
(Media / What is the Secret of America's Success?)
The secret of America's success is that we were a "moral and religious people," as John Adams said. Do our rights come from the Government?
Stopping at 2.3 Children?
(Media / Stopping at 2.3 Children?)
Our culture defines what is "do-able" -- but God calls us to obedience in EVERY area of our lives.
A Father's Role
(Media / A Father's Role)
The father of 12 children describes what authentic Christian fatherhood looks like. "Fathers raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord." So what do you do when daddy is wrong? ...
What Does God Think of America?
(Media / What Does God Think of America?)
Can God bless where sin abounds? Being American doesn't mean we get a pass from the Holy Judge of the earth
If We Give God Thanks When Something Good Happens, Why Can't We Curse Him When Something Bad Happens
(Media / If We Give God Thanks When Something Good Happens, Why Can't We Curse Him When Something Bad Happens)
If God sends good things into my life, does He also send bad? Can I blame Him for those awful things?
Is God vengeful? Is God mean?
(Media / Is God vengeful? Is God mean?)
The God of the Old Testament sometimes seems completely different from the God of the New Testament. Why?
Is the Bible a living book? Or is the Bible a dead book?
(Media / Is the Bible a living book? Or is the Bible a dead book?)
What does it mean to me that the Bible is "God-breathed"?
Can I Really Change?
(Media / Can I Really Change?)
I can't seem to change myself -- can God change me? Can I stop acting or even thinking a certain way?
(Media / Literally?)
: Is it harder to believe a whale swallowed Jonah... or that a man walked on the moon? That a snake talked to Eve... or that I can talk to anyone on earth through a tiny cell phone? Pastor Jeff discusses ...
The Disappearance of Individual Responsibility
(Media / The Disappearance of Individual Responsibility )
Government tries to legislate to "fix" problems after a crime has occurred... but individual responsibility PREVENTS crime and wrong-doing.
Tradition Tradition
(Media / Tradition Tradition)
Traditions lend meaning and richness to life, but they are not the be-all and end-all. God calls us to critique any man-made tradition in the light of His Word.
The Way God Works
(Media / The Way God Works)
Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked? Ecclesiastes 7:13 NIV Kiel, Housing Resource Coordinator at Dégagé Ministries, shares how this verse spoke to him during a time ...
A Changed Life
(Media / A Changed Life)
What happens when someone has done 'church things' all his life and suddenly realizes he has never been born again? Clare De Graaf tells his story of a changed life. ...
Rob God Lately?
(Media / Rob God Lately? )
Clare De Graaf tells how we rob God of His glory when we accept the thanks and glory that belongs to God. ...
If I Were the Devil: Paul Harvey
(Media / If I Were the Devil: Paul Harvey)
... we support them, not because we have to - but because we want to. We want to help our fellow countryman. But their comes a point where a line must be drawn. There comes a time when we say, "We will go ...
Creating a Personal Mission Statement
(Media / Creating a Personal Mission Statement)
Clare De Graaf defines a personal mission statement as "What would define for you and God a life worth having lived" and explains how to create a personal mission statement.
Following Jesus Made Simple
(Media / Following Jesus Made Simple)
Learn more about The 10-Second Rule at Discover a memorable, simple way to be attentive to the voice of God, from Clare De Graaf's book The 10 Second Rule...
Unfailing Love
(Media / Unfailing Love)
God's love, unlike human love so often, is unconditional and perfect. He loves you. Do you love Him?
Can Homosexuals Go To Heaven?
(Media / Can Homosexuals Go To Heaven? )
Pastor Jeff discusses an even more basic question: can ANYone go to heaven? Can anybody go to heaven? Sexual sin is sexual sin - no matter who does what with whom? All of us have sinned and fall short ...
What is Grace? The Two Minute Answer
(Media / What is Grace? The Two Minute Answer)
Caught in the trap of looking for a church that "meets my needs"? The best churches help me to better understand God's undeserved gift.
Rob God Lately?
(Media / Rob God Lately?)
Clare De Graaf tells how we rob God of His glory when we accept the thanks and glory that belongs to God. ...
The 10 Second Rule
(Media / The 10 Second Rule)
Clare De Graaf, author of "The 10 Second Rule", answers the question, "How do you know when following the 10 second rule, that it is really God?" ...