Is Religion Enough?
Most religions have a list of things that people are supposed to do and how people are supposed...
45960 |
How Can We Know that Christ is Coming Back?
When Jesus ascended into heaven He promised He would return, but that was almost 2,000 years ago...
58676 |
Discovering Happiness
Why is it that in a country with so many material blessings, so many people are unhappy? Do we...
67863 |
Counterfeit Love?
We live in a world filled with counterfeits and it is often hard to determine what is real and...
34404 |
How Does Evil Work?
With all of the images of evil we see on TV and on the internet today, we have almost become numb...
87690 |
Are Selfies Really Something New?
A person can’t go far these days without being exposed to either someone taking a selfie or...
108754 |
Mooning for Jesus
What do you think of when you think of the moon? Romance? Space exploration? God’s love? God’s...
85159 |
Are you good enough to go to Heaven?
This is "MIM TCR 027 V1" by Missions In Media Inc on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and...
68124 |
Saved by a Raincoat: A Conversation with Diet Eman
Diet reminds young people today that God is faithful and tells how while in prison, she scratched...
59171 |
Angry with God: A Conversation with Diet Eman
Diet tells the story of a family with seven children who hid American soldiers during World War...
38485 |
A Modern Day Rahab: A Conversation with Diet
Diet talks about the ethical dilemmas she faced in her work with the Dutch Resistance during...
50134 |
Still Being Used by God: A Conversation with Diet Eman
At the age of 16 Diet Eman asked the Lord that her life would not be dull and He certainly...
39077 |
The Righteous Among the Nations Award: A Conversation with Diet Eman
Diet talks about receiving the "Righteous Among the Nations Award", an award given to Gentiles...
32698 |
"God Bless our Robbery": A Conversation with Diet Eman
How do you feed hundred's of people in country where food is rationed? Diet Eman, a leader in the...
27883 |
How do I overcome rejection?
Handling rejection -- and the fear of rejection -- is a big step towards maturity. If God is with...
44985 |
The Bible is Confusing - What do I do?
Leave confusion and find assurance in your study of the Bible.
35950 |
Is the Bible Relevant Today?
Are things different today? Or are we asking the same question Adam and Eve asked so long ago-...
47197 |
What is the most important book of the Bible?
While every verse of the Bible is important, one book stands out as key in giving us God's plan...
91126 |
Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?
When God doesn't answer my prayer, does it mean He does not love me? Surprisingly, the reverse is...
82092 |
Do we need people anymore?
Modern technology tends to isolate us, but God's plan includes community and discipling or...
56708 |